199 personas recomiendan este propietario
Julio 2024, La Trinité-sur-Mer, Francia con un Dufour 450
Abril 2024, Pomer, Croacia con un Elan E4
Saint Martin-St Kitts
Completato itinerario programmato, Saint Martin, Tintamarre, Ile Forchue, St. Barth, St Kitts&Nevis, Statia, Ile Pinel: un pò complicate le clearance, per il resto, Caribe!! belle veleggiate, belle baie!!!! anche i giri a terra interessanti!!!
Abril 2024, Anse Marcel, San Martín con un Bali 4.2
Dream Yacht charter
- Deposit only with Pin Code for Master Card, need of withdraw cash from ATM,
- Motor for dingy, did. not work well, pressure relief value shall be closed all the time, spillage to boat and sea,
- Boat only 3-4 years old, impression 8-10 years old,
- Base Impression, local staff friendly, base staff average, base customers unfriendly (Parking area)